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이현석 (Lee Hyun Suk) (South Korea) - Sky High (1992) (★★★★★)

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Baroque Metal(바로크 메탈), Guitar Instrumental

Label :

Seoul Records. Inc.

# :


Made In :

South Korea

Release Date :


Reissue Date :


Tracklist :

1. Opening (1:06)
2. Life Cycle (Instrumental) (3:33)
3. 어떻게 할까 (3:49)
4. Sky High (Instrumental) (4:52)
5. 오해였을뿐 (4:34)
6. 변하는 마음 (4:35)
7. Forever (Instrumental) (3:33)
8. Child's Play (Instrumental) (3:32)
9. 하지만 늦진 않았어 (3:37)
10. Memories (Instrumental) (4:06)

Lineup :

All Lyrics, cpmpositions, and arrangements by 이현석
All instruments by 이현석
All Vocals and Choruses by 이현석

Review :

South Korea one of the top Heavy Metal guitarist 이현석 (Lee Hyun Suk) most famous debut album "Sky High"。

First track "Opening" have wind, rain and thunder sound effects, guitar playing with little whammy bar。Life Cycle (Instrumental) is a very nice Neo-Classical mMtal instrumental. 어떻게 할까 is a song that sing by 이현석 (Lee Hyun Suk), Sky High (Instrumental) is the same title Neo-Classical instrumental track, the most famous and one of his best instrumental, amazing riffs and guitar playing through out the song. 오해였을뿐 is a ballad, with heavy drum and guitar playing, great solo and great riff during solo. 변하는 마음 is a soft rock ballad, beautiful melody and melodic guitar playing. Forever (Instrumental) is a beautiful slow guitar instrumental with nice clean guitar playing, very nice distortion guitar solo start in the middle of the song till the end. Child's Play (Instrumental) is a Power/Speed Metal guitar instrumental, 이현석(Lee Hyun Suk)show off his tapping skill. 하지만 늦진 않았어 is a fast song, sometime slow down the speed, with a lot of nice shred guitar playing. Memories (Instrumental) is a very beautiful slow guitar instrumental, with acoustic guitar solo in the beginning and playing throught out the song, then distortion guitar do the remaining nice solo, with some special moments in the middle of the song。

Overall, "Sky High" is not the best album by 이현석 (Lee Hyun Suk), because of the guitar instrumental masterpiece "Sky High", it's still my number one album of 이현석 (Lee Hyun Suk) from my heart.

In the booklet,Lee Hyun Suk explain every song:
1. Opening (1:06)
시작부분에서 주의를 집중시키기 위한 효과로
천둥소리, 바람소리 등을 첨가해서
스산한 분위기를 조성했다.

For beginning to focus attention on the effects of thunder, wind, and the ghostly atmosphere was added.


2. Life Cycle (Instrumental) (3:33)
유아기, 사춘기. 청년기, 성년기 등 인생의 단계를
표현하는 Life Cycle이란 말을 내가 심리학 수업에서
처음 듣고 영감을 얻더 연주곡으로 표현하고자
만든 바로크메탈풍의 곡이다.

Childhood, adolescence. Adolescence, entire adult life such as the Life Cycle of the steps represented the first time in psychology class, I hear the word inspiration yeonjugok eotdeo metal baroque style was created to express a song.

幼少期、思春期。青年期、ソンニョンギなど、人生の段階を表現するLife Cycleという言葉を、私は心理学の授業で初めて聞いてインスピレーションをオトド演奏曲で表現しようとしたバロックメタル風の曲だ。

3. 어떻게 할까 (3:49)
차버리기엔 아깝고 따라다니기엔 자존심 상하는
여자 친구와의 실랑이를 재미있는 가사와 곡으로
표현했다. 누구나 몇번쯤 경험했던 감정일 것이다.

According to waste too proud to be snooping your ass down in a struggle with a woman friend had an interesting representation of the lyrics and song. Anyone will gamjeongil myeotbeonjjeum experienced.

4. Sky High (Instrumental) (4:52)
하늘을 날아보고 싶은, 누구나 가질 수 있는 생각을
빠르고 어려운 기타 주법을 사용하여 귀에 쉽게
들어오는 멸로디로 표현했다. 기타를 치다
굳은살이 벗겨져 잠시 녹음을 중단하기도 했었다.

Want to fly to the sky, the idea that anyone can have a difficult guitar technique using a fast and easy to the ear have expressed an incoming myeolrodiro. Play the guitar calluses had to peel off even temporarily stop recording.


5. 오해였을뿐 (4:34)
친구가 사소한 오해로 여자친구와
헤어지는 모습을 보고 내가 가사와 곡으로 표현했다.
고마운 친구다.

Friends to break up a minor misunderstanding with his girlfriend to see the lyrics and the songs that I have expressed. Thanks, friend.


6. 변하는 마음 (4:35)
사랑과 결혼은 별개라는 말도 있듯이 원래 친했던
여지친구가 결혼을 위해 더 나은 남자에게
떠나가버린 경험을 한 친한 형의 슬픈 이야기
결국 내가 곡을 쓰는데 좋은 영감을 주었기에
고맙 생각된다. 그 형한테는 미안하지만...

Love and marriage, as they say a separate room for the original were intimate friends the better for the marriage to a man got away a good type of experience is a sad story of great inspiration to write songs and finally I gave thanks for suggest. The hyeonghanteneun Sorry ...


7. Forever (Instrumental) (3:33)
한번의 '사랑'과 '우정'은 쉽게 지워지는 것이
아니라는 나의 철학을 바탕으로 쓴 곡이다.
영원히 남는 곡이기를 바라는 마음 또한
이곡을 만드는데 많은 시간을 투자한 이유다.

One of the 'love' and 'friendship' rather than an erasable writing a song based on my philosophy. Gokyigireul remain forever the desire to make the two is why a lot of time invested.


8. Child's Play (Instrumental) (3:32)
소문난 개구장이였던 나의 어렸을적 추억을
빠른 연주와 정감있는 멜로디로 표현했다.
정확히 4년전에 만든 곡이지만 많은 연습량을
필요로 했던 곡이다.

My memories of my childhood was a notorious mischief quick to play the melody and the emotion was expressed. Gokyijiman made exactly four years ago, the practices that required a lot of songs.


9. 하지만 늦진 않았어 (3:37)
"늦었다고 생각할 때 시작하는 것은
더 늦는 것보다 반은 앞서간다"는 중학교때
선생님의 교훈을 바탕으로 만든 곡이다.

"Late, late, when you think you would like to start more than half the apseoganda" Based on the lessons of junior high school teacher created song.


10. Memories (Instrumental) (4:06)
어린나이에 사고로 세상을 뜬 중학교 3 학년때
Group Sound 시절 첫 Drummer 였던 친구
'준엽'을 추모하는 뜻에서 만든 곡이다.
먼곳에서나마 이곡을 들어주길 바란다.

Died in an accident at the age of three grade school during the first Drummer Group Sound former friend junyeop 'was created in honor of the song. Eseonama distant hope for the two.

幼い頃に事故で亡くなった中学3年生の時Group Sound時代最初のDrummerだった友達のジュンヨプ』を追悼する意味で作った曲だ。遠くエソナマこの曲を聴いてもらいたい。

One of the top Neo-Classical Metal, Heavy Metal guitarist in South Korea.
The debut album included 5 Instrumentals and 4 songs, i recommend these instrumental:
Life Cycle, Sky High (His most famous instrumental work) and Child's Play

影片/Video :

Sky High (Instrumental) (Live):

Newlywed (신혼) (Instrumental), Sky High (Instrumental) (Coex 악기쇼에서)

Sky High (Instrumental) (하하의 텐텐클럽, 240회, 20080121):

Sky High (Instrumental) w/ Korean Neo-Classical band Zihard guitarist 박영수 (Park Young Soo) (MBC 문화콘서트 난장, 2008-08-28):

Sky High (Instrumental) (음악 여행 라라라/MBC音樂旅行 LALALA (EP75), 2010-07-07) :

Forever (Instrumental) (하하의 텐텐클럽, 240회, 20080121):

Child's Play (Instrumental) (Live):

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